Friday, April 22, 2011


I have spent many a wasted afternoon trying to chase butterflies and moths in fields to get good pictures. The problem is that they are too darn fast and I don't really have the right (read expensive) lenses to capture them. When I was in Houston I went to the Natural Science Museum (I love those) and they had a butterfly pavilion. Picture thousands of butterflies of all colours and sizes fluttering around in a rain forest type setting. I figured that this would be give me lots of chances to get those photographs that had eluded me so often. I put on my 55-200 lens and took my time. I was happy with some shots, thrilled with others and I had lots of rejects.
Here are some I am happy with:


  1. Really nice set Teressa, did you have any problems with the humidity? I really like shot 1 and shot 6.

  2. thanks Rich. I was worried about the humidity because it was such a change in atmosphere but the camera was fine. I put it in my bag before leaving the dome and left it there for a bit and it seemed to be fine.

  3. Lovely images, Teresa. I envy you your day in the sun. :)

  4. thanks Glenn. it was a nice break.
