This we week we had a competition to pick the photo that will be used on all the marketing for the exhibit (posters, pamphlets, newspaper etc). Of course I entered. I like competitions- whether equestrian or photography. Or Wii Sports. Or curling. Or...well you get the picture. The photo I chose to enter I picked for various reasons-
- it represented the area I live in which fishing still plays a huge role
- it also represents the history of fishing
- it had simple elements that I believed would translate well into a small size and I knew that it would work in black and white as well.
- and not the least, is because I like it. a lot.
So there were a number of entries and everyone in the photo club was given a ballot to vote. I voted too- but not for mine- for another stunning photo that was entered as well. In fact, all of the photos were stunners. it was hard to choose. After the voting was done there were 3 very close in votes (or tied, not sure) so it was announced that there would be a run off. I went to check and mine was still there. This time I abstained from voting. The winner was announced and it was mine. I know that it was close and I would have been thrilled to just be in the top 3. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to be chosen by my peers. It felt good.
So, without further ado I give you "Retired" (both in colour and b&w):